Varios Artistas - Doctor Who - The Music Collection (FLAC & MP3)

Doctor Who - The Music Collection

Género: Banda sonora
Año: 2020
Códec de audio: MP3/FLAC
Calidad: 320 kbps/400kbps - 800kbps
Tiempo de reproducción: 1:16:05

01 - Doctor Who (An Unearthly Child 'Pilot' theme, 1963)
02 - Space Adventure Part 2 (first used in The Tenth Planet, 1966)
03 - Univers Sideral (used in The Tomb of the Cybermen, 1967)
04 - The Ice Warriors (1967)
05 - Space Time Music Part 2 (used in The Web of Fear, 1968)
06 - Mr Oak and Mr Quill (from Fury from the Deep, 1968)
07 - Kroton Theme (from The Krotons, 1968)
08 - The Seeds of Death (1969)
09 - Blue Veils and Golden Sands (used in Inferno, 1970)
10 - The Master's Theme (from The Mind of Evil, 1971)
11 - Carnival of Monsters (1973)
12 - Planet of the Spiders (1974)
13 - The Android Invasion (1975)
14 - Antarctica - The First Pod (from The Seeds of Doom, 1976)
15 - The Sun Makers (1977)
16 - Into Argolis (from The Leisure Hive, 1980)
17 - The Sonic Booster (from The Visitation, 1982)
18 - March of the Cybermen (from Earthshock, 1982)
19 - The Mark of the Rani (1985)
20 - Remembrance of the Daleks (1988)
21 - Ghost Light (1989)
22 - '... and somewhere else the tea's getting cold' (from Survival, 1989)

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no duden en comentarlo y revisar Timey-Wimey :D



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